Valid US government-issued photo identification
Social security card or social security number
Proof of income
The most recent paystub from your employer OR the most recent month’s bank statement; additional documents may be requested. (No joint bank accounts may be used unless all joint owners apply as leaseholders. No prepaid or PayPal accounts will be accepted. Tax refunds will not be accepted as monthly income.)
Submit one (1) most recent paystub OR one (1) current month of full bank statements; additional documents may be requested. (No joint bank accounts may be used unless all joint owners apply as leaseholders. No prepaid or PayPal accounts will be accepted. Tax refunds will not be accepted as monthly income.)
Bank Statement: one (1) current month of full bank statements; additional documents may be requested. (No joint bank accounts may be used unless all joint owners apply as leaseholders. No prepaid or PayPal accounts will be accepted. Tax refunds will not be accepted as monthly income.)
(Detail of all transactions) a minimum average ending balance of three (3) times the total rent due for the entire lease term. For example, if the monthly rent is $1,000 with a 12-month lease term, the average ending balance must be a minimum of $36,000. (No joint bank accounts may be used unless all joint owners apply as leaseholders. No prepaid or PayPal accounts will be accepted).
The information in this application or obtained as a result of the authorization given herein by Applicant will not be sold or distributed to others. However, Landlord and Landlord’s agents may use such information to decide whether to lease the Property to Applicant and for all other purposes relative to any future lease agreement between the parties including the enforcement thereof.
Landlord and Landlord’s agents are committed to providing equal housing opportunities to all rental applicants regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, handicap, familial status, or other protected status.
If this Application is denied, Landlord or Landlord’s agent shall within ten (10) days thereafter and upon the written request of applicant, state the basis for said denial to Applicant.
Any falsification in Applicant’s paperwork will result in the automatic denial of Application. In the event that an Applicant falsifies his/her paperwork, owner has the right to hold all deposits and fees paid to apply towards liquidated damages.
Don’t fall for any scams. All of your payments (rent and fees) must be made in contract with Invitation Homes and through
We require you to verify your identity because it helps us ensure the security and safety of our community. It's a way to make sure the people moving into or touring our homes are who they say they are, providing peace of mind for all residents.
Our identity verification system allows you to submit your information remotely. You'll need to take a photo of a US government-issued ID and a selfie to complete the process. We take your privacy seriously and store your information securely to protect your identity.
Please ensure you are entering your accurate and legal information, and that your photo upload is clear and within the frame on your phone. If you continue to experience issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Generally, the documents accepted include:
Driver’s License
Residency Permit Card
Temporary Visa
Other government-issued identification
A full list will vary by country. Please contact Plaid for more details on acceptable documentation.